The latest SDK includes Windows Machine Learning APIs, C++/WinRT headers, Gaze Input API enhancements, and bug fixes. Microsoft says this release only works with Visual Studio 2017 or higher. Probably the biggest news is the availability of C++/WinRT. The headers and cppwinrt compiler (cppwinrt.exe) are now included in the Windows 10 SDK. The compiler can be used to consume a WinRT component not made by Microsoft or to author WinRT components through C++/WinRT. Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt is the best way to run the compiler. Microsoft says the support for C++/WinRT authoring is “experimental” and could still change before full release. The company will release more details on how to use the compiler in coming weeks. Microsoft has also added new keywords to the midlrt tool. The company says it is continuing to modernize MIDL with the following keywords:

event set get partial unsealed overridable protected importwinmd

These keywords will produce an error when used as an identifier, causing a build failure similar too:”>d:\os\src\onecore\com\combase\unittest\astatestservers\testserver6\idl\remreleasetest.idl(12) : error MIDL2025 : [msg]syntax error [context]: expecting a declarator or * near “)” As usual, Microsoft has also added new APIs to the Windows 10 SDK. There are hundreds of new additions, which can be seen here. As for the new SDK, it can be downloaded from Microsoft here.

Windows 10 Insider Build 17115

As we reported earlier in the week, build 17115 appears to be the RTM for Redstone 4, the Spring Creators Update. Microsoft lits ‘Initial Build’ 17115, pointing to this being the release to manufacturing RTM version. That suggests the current Insider Fast Ring build if the RTM for Redstone 4. In turn, Insiders on the Fast Ring branch are running the full Redstone 4 release. So, we know the latest, and hopefully greatest, Windows 10 build will arrive in April. All that’s left is for Microsoft to give a specific date for next month’s launch.

Windows 10 SDK Preview 17115 Adds C   WinRT - 31Windows 10 SDK Preview 17115 Adds C   WinRT - 95Windows 10 SDK Preview 17115 Adds C   WinRT - 18Windows 10 SDK Preview 17115 Adds C   WinRT - 26Windows 10 SDK Preview 17115 Adds C   WinRT - 23